Discipleship and Christian Formation Consultation Resources
Some of the papers from the LOI 2018 consultation on ‘Discipleship and Christian Formation’ are available for free download; just click on the speaker’s name.
Podcasts of many of the sessions are also available; our thanks to Jim Stamoolis for his work on this, and to John Maddex of Ancient Faith Radio for the loan of recording equipment.
Welcome: His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos podcast + Mrs Leslie Doll podcast
Word of Greeting from the Lausanne Movement: Dr Michael Oh / Introduction to Holy Cross and the Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity: Fr Luke Veronis podcast
Bible Reflections
Matthew 28.16-20: Hank Hanegraaff podcast
John 10.1-10: Pastor Aris Angelakopoulos podcast
Public Event: Workplace Discipleship
Bob Doll podcast
His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos podcast
Plenary papers
Why Discipleship matters: Rev Dr Joshua Bogunjoko podcast PowerPoint
Orthodox Respondent: Deacon James Nicholas podcast
Forming Disciples: An Orthodox Perspective: Revd Michael Oleksa [on video] / Fr David Rucker podcast
Forming Disciples: An Evangelical Perspective: Revd Dr Gordon T. Smith podcast
Discipleship in the home: the Christian formation of children
Mariam Varghese podcast (part 1) (part 2)
Dr Philip Mamalakis podcast
Discipleship on the Margins
Discipleship in cross-cultural mission contexts
Archpriest David Rucker podcast(part 1)(part 2)Includes a video by Fr Michael Oleksa
Dr Charlie Davis podcast PowerPoint
Discipleship between the traditions: Lyons + Lee podcast