Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative

The Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative is a movement of Orthodox and Evangelical Christians who wish to respect each other’s beliefs, learn from each other, and support one another as we each obey the call to share in God’s mission.


The Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative exists to provide a space and context for constructive reflection on the history of relationships between Orthodox and Evangelical Christians in order to work towards trust, understanding, shared spiritual growth, reconciliation and healing of the wounds that exist. Through this process Evangelicals and Orthodox will be mutually enriched and strengthened in their participation in the mission of God, celebrating each others’ witness to our Lord Jesus Christ as we work towards mutual respect, support and cooperation in the spirit of our Lord’s
prayer for His Church in the 17th chapter of the Gospel of John.

LOI Commitment


To achieve this goal the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative is committed to encouraging members of our different traditions to:

  • Pray for each other and study Scripture together
  • Encourage mutual learning, understanding, respect and appreciation of one another’s tradition and practice
  • Explore models for collaboration to enable mission wherever this is possible
  • Build short-term and long-term mission partnerships; and facilitate the exchange and sharing of resources for mission

A leaflet introducing the vision and work of LOI can be downloaded below.


Projects & Future events

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