Twelve Missiology Classics

There are very many texts on both Orthodox and Evangelical Missiology so the twelve chosen here are merely representative of the rich literature on this topic.

Bria, I. Go forth in peace: Orthodox perspectives on mission WCC: Geneva 1989

Владимир Федоров Православная миссия сегодня Санкт-Петербург 1999

Vassiliadis,P.  Orthodox Perspectives on Mission  Regnum Lynx 2013

Stamoolis, J.J. Eastern Orthodox Mission Theology Today  Wipf & Stock 2001

Veronis, L. Go Forth: Stories of Missions and Resurrection in Albania Conciliar Press 2010

Yannoulatos, Archbishop Anastasios., Mission in Christ’s Way: An Orthodox understanding of Mission, WCC 2011     (You can download sample chapters (3 and 14) of this book here.)


Adeney, M. Kingdom Without Borders: The Untold Story of Global Christianity  IVP books 2009

Allen, R.  Missionary Methods, Ours or St. Paul’s Martino Fine Books 2011

Bosch,D.  Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission  Orbis books 1991

Walls, A. F. The missionary movement in Christian history  T & T Clark 1996

Wright, C. The Mission of God IVP 2006


Bevans, S. and Schroeder, R. Constants in Context: A Theology of Mission for Today Orbis books 2004

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