Prayer is the essential foundation for all that we are doing in the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative. We invite you to join us in prayer using the prayer suggestions below.
June 2019
Please pray for the upcoming LOI regional consultation for the Middle East and North Africa which will be held in Egypt at the invitation of the Coptic Church. Pray for those evangelical and Orthodox leaders who have been invited to attend as they consider their participation – especially those who have been asked to speak. Pray for the practical arrangements and security of the event.
May 2019
Orthodox and evangelical Christians continue to work together in support of migrants and asylum seekers in southern Europe, especially in Greece and Italy. Caring for those who are fleeing from violence and warfare in places like Syria and Eritrea is a key part of our mission as we seek to reflect the image of God in our broken world. Please pray for all those who risk their lives to flee across the Mediterranean and pray that as they work together evangelical and Orthodox Christians will strengthen their bonds of fellowship.
April 2019
Easter is a time for great celebration in all our churches. Sadly Orthodox and evangelical Christians still celebrate this great Christian festival on different dates (this year one week apart) because we use different ancient calendars. Please pray for all Christians who celebrate Easter that they will know they are part of one large family brought together in the Risen Christ. Sadly, because of attacks in previous years, this can be a time of fear and uncertainty for some Christian communities. Pray for peace.
Stop press: Sadly we have yet again seek violence at Easter, this year in Sri Lanka. Please pray for the victims and their families.