Mission in Chuvashia

Alison Kolosva, a friend of LOI, has created this podcast with the Lausanne movement. Her work on mission in the Chuvash republic in Russia is fascinating, and I strongly recommend listening to the podcast at this link: https://lausanne.org/podcast/12-orthodox-missions-bound-for-the-east-the-chuvash-republic

Tribute to Fr Michael Oleksa, a dear friend of LOI

An Evangelical Tribute to An Orthodox Priest   I first met Fr. Michael Oleksa in the pages of his book, Orthodox Alaska: A Theology of Mission. I was captivated. When Lewis and Clark were beginning their historical journey beyond the Mississippi, Russian missionaries had already begun their own epic story into Alaskan lands.   Fr. […]

The Passing of Fr Raphael Armour

We are very sad to hear of the passing last week of Archpriest Raphael Armour. Fr Raphael was the parish priest of the Russian Orthodox Parish of St Ephraim, and many other things to many people. It was our privilege to have him at our recent consultation at The Hayes in June. Memory eternal! A […]


An Orthodox Journal of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission: SALT – The Crossroads of Religion and Culture

SALT is a journal on mission that comes from the International Orthodox Theological Association. It is mission focussed, ecumenical in outlook, and supports dialogue with different Christian expressions, and so aligns very well with much of what LOI does. At the link you can find out more about the vision of the journal, and there are tables of contents for published volumes, with abstracts. Printed copies of each volume are available through the website, at €50 for individuals, and €200 for institutions.

The editorial committee includes several friends of LOI including: Fr Michael Oleksa, Fr Cristian Sonea, and Dr Alison Kolosva.

They are very keen to have contributions from diverse authors, so please consider writing an article for them.


An Orthodox Reflection on the Asbury Revival

There is much in the news about the revival at Asbury University in the US. The stories of students and staff being moved to repentance and worship are very moving. From the perspective of other Christian expressions these events may be viewed with some skepticism, and so we are grateful to Prof Paul Gavrilyuk, the […]