2018 Resources

Discipleship and Christian Formation Consultation Resources

Some of the papers from the LOI 2018 consultation on ‘Discipleship and Christian Formation’ are available for free download; just click on the speaker’s name.

Podcasts of many of the sessions are also available; our thanks to Jim Stamoolis for his work on this, and to John Maddex of Ancient Faith Radio for the loan of recording equipment.


Welcome: His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos podcast + Mrs Leslie Doll podcast

Word of Greeting from the Lausanne Movement: Dr Michael Oh / Introduction to Holy Cross and the Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity: Fr Luke Veronis  podcast


Bible Reflections

Matthew 28.16-20: Hank Hanegraaff  podcast

John 10.1-10: Pastor Aris Angelakopoulos  podcast


Public Event: Workplace Discipleship

     Bob Doll  podcast

     His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos  podcast


Plenary papers

Why Discipleship matters: Rev Dr Joshua Bogunjoko  podcast  PowerPoint

Orthodox Respondent: Deacon James Nicholas podcast

Forming Disciples: An Orthodox Perspective: Revd Michael Oleksa [on video] / Fr David Rucker  podcast

Forming Disciples: An Evangelical Perspective: Revd Dr Gordon T. Smith  podcast

Discipleship in the home: the Christian formation of children

    Mariam  Varghese  podcast (part 1) (part 2)

     Dr Philip Mamalakis  podcast

 Discipleship on the Margins

     Fr Luke Veronis  podcast

     Revd Dr Karen Wilk  podcast

Discipleship in cross-cultural mission contexts

    Archpriest David  Rucker podcast(part 1)(part 2)Includes a video by Fr Michael Oleksa

    Dr Charlie  Davis  podcast  PowerPoint

Discipleship between the traditions: Lyons + Lee  podcast

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