The committee at work. Some members joined us by Skype.
The committee at work. Some members joined us by Skype.

The LOI does much of its organization during a 3-day residential committee each year. We met at the Coptic Centre, Stevenage, from 16-18 January, at the kind invitation of His Grace Bishop Angaelos. The welcoming environment and home cooking provided an excellent setting for us to pray, think, and discuss together.

Among other things, we discussed:
– a consultation for theological educators (present and future) to be held in Cambridge from 5-8 September this year;
– a regional consultation for North America, to be held in June 2018;
– how we can make the work of LOI better known, and develop relationships with supporters, partners, and donors;
– and how we can engage with some of the ‘hard to reach’ places, both Evangelical and Orthodox.
Hard work, but we came away excited at what lies ahead, and thankful to God for his hand upon us.

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