One valuable publication for Evangelicals and Orthodox looking to work together in mission is the East-West Church Report, which has been appearing quarterly since 1993. Mark R. Elliott, its founding editor, has been an active participant in the work of LOI. He has now been succeeded by Geraldine Fagan. To find out more, and to subscribe to this online resource, go to LOI has received permission to reproduce this recent article, which will be of wide interest.

Christ to the Children: How an Evangelical Initiative Supported Sunday Schools in Romania and Beyond


When it comes to preparing Sunday school curricula for children, Western Evangelicals tend to have both experience and resources. But if they wish to utilize their expertise to assist Orthodox Christians in post-Communist states, they face a formidable challenge: operating in a way that is deemed to be doctrinally sound and culturally appropriate by local church communities. For many years, I was closely involved in one such project, which came to be known as Christ to the Children. I hope that my account of this experience will support those seeking to navigate this delicate sphere.

Phase One: Russia

When the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1990-91 …

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